If what I'm looking for is not possible, why is it not possible? Is it due to Oracle's licensing decisions? Does the update I'm looking for the count as a paid support patch? If so, I thought Oracle didn't release those updates to OpenJDK?.If getting what I'm looking for is impossible, where does Adoptium get what they provide? Do they just build their builds from the source?.Does the version available at Adoptium have any differences to Oracle OpenJDK 11.0.11+9 from Oracle?.How can I get Oracle OpenJDK 11.0.11+9 directly from Oracle?.IV: On this page, the text "General Availability" is not a link. III: This page has an old version of OpenJDK 11. An answer on that page had several diagrams that helped explain a lot of things, but the diagrams again redirect me to either or third-party vendors. II: While writing this question, a suggested question was this question. I visit the page linked under "Java SE Downloads" and am taken back to the page in step 1.Please visit Java SE Downloads for production-ready builds." I am led to this page which states, "The JDK 11 Early Access Program has concluded.So on the Reference Implementations page, I read, "Production-ready binaries under the GPL are available from Oracle and will be in most popular Linux distributions." I click on the only entry for JDK 11 I see, which is under " Reference Implementations." I download that file, and the ZIP has the name "OpenJDK-11+28_windows-圆4_bin.zip" which sounds like an older version of JDK 11. On I see the "Ready for Use" section has JDK 16, which I don't want.

I'd like to get the GPL2-CPE licensed version of the JavaJDK, which I will call "OpenJDK", as I prefer that license to Oracle's restrictive OTN license.